Posted on 18 March 2016
Recently we delivered a beautiful RR Special to international distributor of motorcycle parts Technical Touch. This truck is equipped with a beautiful living area, provided with everything they need and more. Because of the pop up and the pop out the living area is very spacious. In the back of the truck the area is equipped as work shop for the mechanics of Technical Touch. From here they can provide there clients with the service they need at events.
Technical Touch is an international distributor of motorcycle parts, located in Belgium and the USA. The company has two departments. First of all they have a very experienced team that support all the KYB riders in the World championship MX1, MX2 and the European championship. On the other hand they supply the worldwide market with KYB spare parts and oils.
Last but not least, they supply the European market with high quality Hinson Clutch parts and the Belgian market with Yoshimura exhausts and X-Trig triple clamps.
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