Roelofsen builds transport solutions. We offer “Tailormade Transport Solutions”, not only for the equestrian world but also for motor sport and rallying. We also have a variety of service trucks built like fair presentation vehicles, facilities trailers, camper holidays for the disabled and a mobile veterinary practice.
This is just a small selection of the many possibilities. We are happy to tell you more about our ‘specials’. Please do not hesitate and contact us, in order for us to think along about building your ideal transport!
Race & Rally trucks
Roelofsen also builds customized transport solutions for branches and target groups other than the equestrain sports. An example of our tailormade transport solutions are our Race & Rally trucks. Just like in the equestrian sport, comfortable traveling is a must. Properly transport of the materials and a comfortable stay of the team are essential when it comes to performance. With the Race & Rally Trucks of Roelofsen Raalte, motorcycle racers are assured oif the best transport.
In each version, modest or luxurious, the perfect finish remains our trademark, and quality naturally paramount. For the race and rally trucks we also use sustainable materials, such as stainless steel and anodized aluminum. The bodies are available in various sizes and designs. Due to our custom designs, every race and rally team can have an optimally preparation.
So for all your specific requirements on car and truck interior design, you can find what you need at Roelofsen. Your wishes and ideas provide the basis of the design of the car, bus or truck. Do not hesitate and contact us in order for us to design and build the perfect vehicle for you!
Take a look at some of our specials:
NAM Trailer
Arai Helmets
Camper/ Mobile home
Special living trailer with two levels and two pop-outs